In part 1 of this article, I explained what’s Surface Web, Deep Web, and Dark Web. So I am not going to explain it again.
But in case you want to know, you can read my previous article which I will definitely recommend.
The Dark Web is definitely not a place for weak hearts. Although no one should go there.
What I mean is that, if someone, by any chance, is being shared a video that shows a title similar to these videos, block that person, and if you can actually file a complaint against him or her, even better.
These videos neither should be watched, nor these videos should be shared with anyone. These things should not be promoted.
I have shared this information to make you guys aware. Aware of the dark things of the internet, and how bad it has actually gotten. Be safe, and don’t search for these videos on the internet.
I in no mean want you to go and search for these videos. If you’re actually going on the internet in search of these videos, you’re actually a sick f***.
The Horror
The videos I am going to talk about, are the videos that were downloaded from the dark net and shared by many YouTubers. Some of the videos were shared in a censored way on the surface web as well.
Either way, it’s still horrifying.
Let’s start the list…
5. Kenneth Freeman
A psycho man, the father of a girl named Kylie Freeman.
This man, sexually abused his daughter for 4 years and recorded videos to sell it on the dark web for thousands of dollars.
This man literally tortured and mentally harassed his own daughter for four years through sexual activities. Surprisingly his videos were being bought by thousands of people on the dark net, which clarifies how sick people are in the world.
When he came in front of the police, he flew to China, but there too he was caught and imprisoned for 50 years.
Although a guy is already this old, plus doing child abuse with his own daughter, 50 years is not enough.
We cannot imagine the mental state Kylie is going to have for the rest of her life.
When asked by the police, Kylie was scared and terrified to talk about anything.
The thing is that those videos are still out there on the internet, and are going to be there for the rest of her life. Those videos are still making money because these videos interest many users of the dark web.
That’s why we shouldn’t promote these things, by going on the dark web.
4. The Puppet Cut
This video got famous a lot, where a guy with a mask, takes a body or a puppet, no one knows, everywhere in the house. He shoots the the video of the body, lying on the ground. Sometimes, he makes it sleep with him.
In some parts of the video, it was shown that he was feeding him something, like in the picture above. In this picture, the body is lying in a bathtub.
The body didn’t look like a puppet in the video. It looked a lot like an unconscious human.
After some scenes, he takes the body to the kitchen and puts it on the slab.
There he takes a knife and starts chopping off the body.
This video got a lot viral on the surface web when it was taken out by many YouTubers.
3. The Soup
This video looks peaceful.
Or does it?
Looks like 2 cartoons are just helping a poor homeless guy eat noodles or soup.
The story behind this is way darker than you could have ever imagined.
In this video, the guy was drinking this soup. Then from the back side, these two puppets come and put their hand on his back to help him drink the soup.
After that, he started crying while drinking the soup.
It was said by the people that, a few days or weeks before this video went viral, this guy and his wife disappeared.
It was said that in this video, his wife was murdered by those two people, and they made him drink the soup of his wife’s meat.
The guy looks helpless in the video and can’t do anything. Those people were showing “empathy” in that video just so he would drink the soup.
2. The Grifter
After watching this video, it’s very possible that you will feel disturbed for many days, and might not even be able to think of anything for a big time.
It is said that when someone watches this video, he gets a curse on himself.
It is said to be one of the most disturbing videos on the Dark Web and is seen by very few people.
It is said that the one who watched this video disappears in a few days. Many dark web users agreed and recommended not to watch this video.
1. Peter Skully
A sick f***. A rapist. A pedophile. A human trafficker. Child abuser. Kidnapper.
We’ll talk about that later after a few words. But, why? Why do people demand ‘this’ content?
Because of the demand for these kinds of things, people like Kenneth Freeman and Peter Skully make money and it also gives them motivation to do something like this.
Of course, it’s not, that these criminals are not at fault, but demands made by a certain group of people. Like really? Do people like these things?
Peter Skully’s introduction is given in the first line.
He started a site on the dark net named NLF (No Limits Fun).
Skully had kidnapped many girls in his time along with two prostitutes in the Philippines. At first, he hired and sexually harassed two prostitutes whom he named “Angel” and “Lovely” and recorded them to sell on the dark web.
After that he made Angel and Lovely kidnap some girls around 12 years of age so that he could make those videos kind of videos with the kids. Only young girls were kidnapped by him and one of them was an 18-month-old who was harassed in the worst possible way.
He named the girl Daisy and released the video on the dark net with the title “Daisy’s Destruction” on NLF.
Even when skully was caught by the police, the worst part still remains, that the videos are still out on the internet and are being bought buy many dark web users.
The things he have done, I don’t have the courage to write and share it with you guys. I just can’t go in details.
If you want to read about it more, you can find it on the internet. But I request you guys, not to search for these videos. If you do, you’re not okay. You need help.
Skully had killed so many girls, and the ones who couldn’t bear this died. And he buried those girls in the same house used to stay.
In The End
Thank you for reading this far.
I really wanna tell you that the things I wrote in this article, are for awareness. Please do not attempt to watch these disturbing videos on the dark web.
A strict action will be taken against you, if you attempted anything bad.
I would recommend you to not watch anything shared above as it is not good for anyone. Those are some very disturbing videos which can literally mess your mind for a long time.
If you’re still wishing to watch those videos, you definitely need help.
Thank you for reading!